Just the other day, I heard a very familiar song. " A Small World After All." The song made me think. Has our planet really gotten smaller?
After watching the BBC documentary Planet Earth, I felt as though I had explored the four corners of the earth within the film's viewing time. From that point of view, I would say yes. Our world seems to be smaller now. With the joint efforts of BBC photographers and film makers, I experienced what they saw. Through their lens, they made me see the many faces of our planet that I have not seen before. From underwater to the sky, I gained a more in-depth understanding of how truly amazing nature is.
Is it an overstatement to say that earth is the only planet in the galaxy that evokes emotions? Maybe so, but I personally feel it communicating to me during all four seasons: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season has its own beauty and character and they all dictate how I live.
The tulips sprouting from the ground herald the news that spring has arrived. And the sight of the meadows turning green is a good sign that summer is not far behind. Mother Nature speaks to me and also shows her good sense of humor when autumn comes. She infuses my surroundings with vibrant colors then slowly transform the colorful canvass into lifeless looking brown and grey to make room for the cold months of winter. Almost like saying "Ha! I got you again!"
As a photographer, I envy those who can travel to just about any place on earth and come back with breathtaking shots of their trip. Our planet is so beautiful and alive. We should conserve it. It deserves our nurturing and respect .